Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The day has finally arrived, I am bursting with excitement and waiting at the airport.

I begin my journey to Bali. I board the plan, find my seat and get settled in for a long flight. Short naps, three movies, and a 14 hour plane ride later, I arrive in Taipei, Taiwan. The airport is HUGE, there are shops everywhere and I have a mission: to find the Hello Kitty gate. I don't have to search very much as the gate is located on the way to my next departure gate. I look like the typical tourist taking lots of pictures but I can't help it. It's awesome!

I wander around for a while, grab a pearl tea and then wait at my gate.

I finally board the plane for a 5 hour flight to Bali.

When I step off the plane I am ambushed by hot, muggy air. I am now wishing I was wearing shorts instead of leggings. I meet up with my friend and we are on our way to her place.

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